What are Revolutionary Supplements?


This website is designed to inform new and already active exercise and weightlifting enthusiasts about the best sports nutritional supplements on the market.  Lately there has been a revolution in the supplement industry and everyday another supplement is launched to the market. If you are serious about gaining more muscle, speed, and strength, you know that supplements such as vitamins, protein, and creatine will help speed up the process. Check out some of the top supplements here and also be aware of some that do not live up to the hype.

How Should I Take Protein?

Everyone that is serious about lifting weights and bodybuilding knows that it is not that much fun to drink powder protein shakes all day. Unfortunately it is the only way to gain the extra muscle. Our bodies need so much extra protein when we tear our muscles in the gym and use up our store energy. Our bodies can not recover without sufficient protein backup. This is why we have to eat and drink a lot of protein. There is different opinions to how much protein you need a day to make sure you are on track and the most common measurement is 1 gram of protein for every pound that you weigh.

So if you weigh 200 pounds, you need at lease 200 grams of protein per day. Now let us take a look at this a little closer and see just what it takes to achieve this goal on a daily basis.

One Whole Day of Protein

Early morning- breakfast with a 30 gram protein shake.
Mid morning snack- piece of fruit and 30 gram protein shake.
Lunch- Salad or sandwich with a 20 gram protein shake.
Afternoon snack- fruit, veggies, with 30 gram protein shake.
Dinner- Chicken and sides, glass of milk (about 20 grams from meat)
Pre workout- 20 grams protein shake (anymore might make you sick while working out)
Post workout- 40 grams protein shake.

This adds up to about 180 grams of protein that was supplemented and the food that was eaten will bring you up above the 200 gram mark and maybe well over it depending on what you eat. So you can see how hard it can be and how much discipline it will take to do this plan day in and day out until your goals are met, then you do not have to drink as much protein. One tip that I like to do if I am running behind on my protein count is to drink a protein shake right before bed, preferably a casein protein that slowly digest while you sleep. This is a great way to not burn so much calories and muscle while you are sleeping because you will have something in your stomach for at lease six hours.

As you can see, if you are on a high protein diet, you will drink approximately 5 to 7 protein drinks a day. This is a lot of protein and could get expensive. This is why it is recommended to buy in bulk and get big tubs of protein on sale. You can find the best deals online.

Anabolic Creatine - Is Cell Tech the Best?

When deciding on what creatine supplement to buy there are many things to consider including price, ingredients, hype, and reputation. Now a person can get basic creatine monohydrate from almost any seller for a very affordable price. If money is the main concern, then just basic creatine monohydrate powder is the best choice. It will go a long way for the amount of money it cost. You can usually get more than 60 servings for around 10 dollars.

If a person decides to go this route they need to consider that taking creatine without a delivery system will result in a decrease of muscle absorption. The body needs some simple sugars in order to deliver the creatine to the muscles. This is why some creatines such as Cell Tech cost a lot more. It is simple; they have a lot more ingredients and claim that they have the best delivery system in the world. Now, Muscle Tech may come off as over promoting their products, but it is true that they work better. Some people think Muscle Tech is just basic products that are well promoted and overpriced. This may be true; on the other hand, many people trust these products and claim they work better than any other products on the market.
One of the popular words that have come up in bodybuilding in recent years is anabolic. Most people get this word confused and just think of anabolic steroids. The word anabolic is not directly associated with steroid. Anabolic just means that molecules will get bigger from smaller molecules and it requires some specific energy called ATP. It can be thought of as building muscle. It is simpler than it sounds. The reason some creatines on the market including Cell Tech claim that their product is anabolic is because they have better ingredients and delivery systems. The trick with creatine is to try and get as much absorbed as possible, otherwise it will just be wasted and not used by the body.

People can listen to reviews and form their own opinion about what creatines are the best on the market. The best way to form a true opinion is to try at lease one time. It will only take one time to know if it is a better product and worth more money or if it is just hype and marketing. The fact is, if gaining more muscle is important, creatine is one of the first supplements to include in a diet. It has been proven to stimulate muscle size and strength in a very short time.